Below is a recording of the Woodlynne Borough ReOrganization meeting held on January 6th, starting at just before 8PM, instead of 7:30 as advertised:
Woodlynne Borough Special Meeting 12/23/2024
Below is the recording for the Special meeting held at the Borough Hall on Monday. It was scheduled to start at 7PM, but it was delayed until 7:30 by the late arrivals of Council members Fontanez and Feliciano. There will be two meetings (so far) in January: * The ReOrganization Meeting will be held on…
Woodlynne Borough Council Meeting 12/10/2024
Below is a recording of the Woodlynne Borough Council Meeting held on 12/10/2024. It was scheduled to begin at 8, but did not start until 8:15. Key Points:* The Engineer reported that construction is currently underway for the 4th Street and Cooper Ave projects.* Woodlynne has received a grant totaling over $200,000 for work on…
Woodlynne Borough Special Meeting 11/18/2024
Below is a recording of the Special Meeting held in Woodlynne Borough on 11/18/24, which was scheduled to begin at 7:00PM. Key Points: Once again, it should be noted that this meeting failed OPMA compliance for notice. The clerk has stated on the record that written notice was sent out on 11/13 to both newspapers.…
Woodlynne Borough Council Meeting 11/12/2024
Below is a recording of the Woodlynne Borough Council Meeting held on 11/12/24. The workshop was scheduled for 7:30 PM, with the meeting itself to follow at 8 PM. The meeting didn’t start until after 8:30, seemingly due to a lack of preparedness on the part of the clerk.Key Points: It should also be noted…
Woodlynne Borough Special Meeting 10/22/24
Below is the recording from last night’s special meeting, where Council officially approved Ordinance 2024-8, which abolished the Police Department. It needs to be noted then when asked how much this was going to cost the average resident, we were told that the Council has no idea because they’re not sure what all they’re looking…
EPA Community Change Grant Meeting 10-15-2024
Hello Woodlynne, As some of you may have heard, there was a meeting held on Tuesday, October 15th regarding a community change grant that Woodlynne is going to try and apply for. Among the ideas that were discussed, the most talked about included:* A Community Center* Plans to deal with the flooding in town* Building…
Woodlynne Borough Council Meeting 10/08/2024
Below is a recording of the Woodlynne Borough Council Meeting held on 10/08/24 at the Woodlynne Borough Hall. Key points:
Woodlynne Borough Council Meeting 09/10/2024
Below is a recording of the Woodlynne Borough Council meeting held on September 10, 2024 at the Borough Hall. Below are the key points: 10 :4-18. Schedule of regular meetings of public body; publicity; revision; procedure Atleast once each year, within 7 days following the annual organization or reorganization meeting of a public body, or…
Woodlynne Borough Town Hall Meeting 08/26/2024
Below is a recording of the Town Hall meeting held at the Asbury church on Monday night. Key points of interest: